Have you ever wondered why you simply cannot lose weight or reduce that bulging belly? Well here is your answer…Fat Loss is a little more complicated than many think, there is no miracle exercise. It is important to look at the body as a whole. Here are the 3 fundamentals that you will need to follow in order to lose that stubborn fat and feel a million dollars.
1. Stress
Stress produces energy as a survival mechanism. Look out there’s a tiger! The body produces huge amounts of energy in order to optimise escape or deal with the situation. Getting stressed and producing energy while sitting down at work causes a rise in energy but no way of spending it. The body has to work hard to deal with excess energy, the hormone insulin is used to store energy in both the liver and our fat cells. So stress really does make you fat!
Stress also causes stimulation of the Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight) and shuts down the opposite the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest and Digest). So the whole time we are stressed we are unable to digest our food. So don’t eat at your desk choose a quiet and peaceful environment for good digestion.
Over stimulation of our stress hormones can wear out our Adrenal Glands. The more stress false alarms the body has to deal with, whether its from stimulants like caffeine or cigarettes, or from work, financial or relationship stress, they all contribute to exhausting your Adrenal Glands. Worn out Adrenal Glands lead to excessive fatigue and a whole host of hormonal issues including weight gain.
2. Nutrition
Food intolerance is a big problem today. Most people suffer in some degree or another. Gluten is the biggest problem. Dairy is also another. Many foods are now highly processed or relatively new to our ancient digestive systems. Food intolerance’s can cause leaky gut syndrome, auto immune problems, bloating, depression, and fatigue to name just a few.
Toxins are also a major problem. We are digesting more toxins today than ever before. Most vegetables are sprayed with chemicals all of which must be dealt with by the body. We all store toxins in our fat cells. Fat provides a natural barrier to protect the vital organs from the problems of toxic chemicals. Unless you eliminate as many toxins as possible your body will retain fat to protect the body.
Balancing blood sugar levels is vital for fat loss. Carbohydrates and stimulants are the enemy here. The more the body has to deal with surges of simple sugars the more it struggles to maintain an energy balance and stores energy in our fat cells. To stay energised, free of cravings and reduce fat storage you must manage your blood sugar levels.
3. Exercise
Most of us sit all day. We need to move more, the opposite of movement is death. So lets get moving. You don’t need to run to work or go nuts at a gym class you just need to move more often. Walk more, play more and have fun with your body 🙂
Most workouts and exercise routines in magazine don’t work in tune with your body and nature. The body dictates how it should move. Bicep curls are great for body building but useless for fat loss or everyday life. We need to be intelligent about how we exercise and base all movements on how the body is designed to move. We need to stimulate as many muscles as possible and enjoy ourselves.
Everyone is different, we don’t all need the same type of exercise. A one size fits all approach to workout design will only get you so far. We need to start at the centre and work outwards. Make progressions in a safe and logical way. Running before you can walk is ridiculous, and so is professional workout routines for unprofessional athletes. We need to use common sense and tailor make workouts to our abilities and not someone else’s.
Do you struggle with Fat Loss? Let me know your biggest problem below…