Audio taken from Kettlebell Clean & Press Video
Next, we’ve got the Clean & Press. The Clean & Press is 2 exercises put together in a nice fluid movement. Let’s first of all look at the clean to start with. The clean is a way of getting the kettle bell from the floor into what we call the racked position, which is up here. Grab your kettle bell down here, make sure you’ve got a nice flat back and your weight is loaded onto the back of the body, onto the glutes, your buttocks, and the hamstrings and back of the thighs; all nice and straight. From here, you’re just going to stand up really quickly while driving the hips forward. At the same time, you’re going to pull the arm up, the kettlebell is going to come over the arm and land in this racked position. It’s going to land in the soft part of the arm, here. Glutes will be nice and tight; wrist nice and straight. In real-time it looks like this. Back down, and back down.
It’s really important as you pull the kettle bell up, to bring the arm underneath the kettlebell. Don’t try bringing the kettlebell up and over, otherwise it’s going to bang on the arm. One way to prevent that happening is imagine you’ve got a wall in front of you and you have to keep the kettlebell really close to the body. If you watch the way I do this technique here, I keep it really close. Keep the wrist straight at the top.
From this position, we’re going to perform the press. The press just pushes the kettlebell straight overhead. Engage the lat here, which is the muscle that runs down the back, by squeezing to the side here and squeezing the armpit nice and tight. From here, I’m just going to punch the hand up and overhead. I punch, keeping the wrist straight. Straighten the arm at the top. Make sure the wrist is straight, too. From here, we don’t just let the kettlebell fall down, we put it down under control, back to that racked position. In real-time, we would push it up and then pull it back down. Then we go all the way back down to the floor.
Let me just quickly show you the clean and press together, the 2 movements put together. We clean and press, pull the bell down, and back down to the floor. We don’t have to touch the floor. We just absorb the weight here with our hips and our glutes at the back, and then we pull back into the second one. Drive back up again, pull down, and back to the floor.
That is the Clean & Press; you’re going to perform 25 repetitions on each side. It’s a nice exercise; works the whole of the body and gets the shoulders going too. Good luck with it.