Welcome to Greg’s Weekly Workout. Each week I’ll be sharing some of my favourite workouts for you to try.
Today’s workout is a challenge for your Cardiovascular system. It’s based on proven Interval Training methods that use work versus rest ratios.
Bodyweight exercises are great to challenge your heart and lunges as well as gain some good overall body strength too!
Unlike running, Bodyweight Cardio removes the overloading nature put on the joints and disperses the impact across the whole body.
Ensure you have a base level of Cardio before attempting these intervals.
The Warm Up
Run through the following warm up 2 times. If you find this warm up too difficult then the warm up is your workout and you should not proceed on to the following workout.
All exercises are performed with bodyweight only!
- 10 x Yoga Squats
- 10 x Single Leg Forward Reaches (each leg)
- 10 x Forward Lunges (each leg)
- Repeat Once more
The Workout
Complete the following exercises in order, you will be taking a short rest after each exercise depending on your level of fitness.
(Click to watch videos of each exercise)
- Fast Mountain Climbers
- Side Shuffles
- Burpees
- High Knees
- Rest for 1 minute and repeat
The Numbers
Start by getting used to the exercises, don’t worry about times at this stage, just practice. When you feel comfortable with the exercises use the following times as a guide.
Stage 1
Perform 20 seconds of each exercise and rest for 30 seconds between each exercise. Rest for 1 minute at the end and repeat between 2-3 times.
Stage 2
Perform 30 seconds of each exercise and rest for only 20 seconds between exercises. Rest for 1 minute at the end and repeat between 2-4 times.
Stage 3
Perform 30 seconds of each exercise and rest for only 10 seconds between exercises. Rest for 1 minute at the end and repeat between 3-5 times.
The time you spend working on each exercise is short so it’s important that you push hard. The fitter you become the harder you should push!
How Often?
As with all training your recovery will be dependent on your lifestyle, nutrition and occupation. As a guide I would recommend at least 1 days rest between this workout and the next.
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